Confirmation’s In-Network Banks that Respond to Bank Reference Requests
25 Oct 2018 - 9 minutes read
Exciting update! Confirmation is now fully integrated into the HighRadius platform. Learn more >
The following financial institutions respond to commercial bank reference requests through Confirmation. And we’re adding more all the time. Check out this post on how to locate in-network banks within our platform.
*僅透過 Confirmation 平台回應詢證函。
- 1st Security Bank of Washington
- 1st Source Bank – Service & Inquiry
- Academy Bank, National Association
- AccessBank Texas
- AgriBank*
- Allegiance Bank Texas
- Alliance Bank (MN)
- AloStar Bank of Commerce
- Alpine Bank & Trust Co. (IL only)
- Amarillo National Bank
- American First National Bank
- American National Bank (IA, MN, NE only)
- American Trust & Savings Bank
- Ameris Bank
- Anchor Bank, National Association
- Androscoggin Savings Bank
- Apollo Bank
- Arizona Bank & Trust*
- Armstrong Bank
- Ascend Federal Credit Union
- Avidbank
- Axiom Bank
- Axos Bank
- Bank 2
- Bank 7
- Bank First National (WI)
- Bank of Alburquerque
- Bank of America USA
- Bank of Ann Arbor
- Bank of Arizona
- Bank of Arkansas
- Bank of Bennington (NE)
- Bank of Blue Valley*
- Bank of Colorado
- Bank of Kansas City
- Bank of Marin
- Bank of Millbrook
- Bank of Oklahoma
- Bank of Putnam County
- Bank of Santa Clarita
- Bank of Springfield
- Bank of Tennessee
- Bank of Texas
- Bank of the West*
- Bank of Washington
- Bank SNB
- BankPlus
- BankUnited, National Association
- BankWest, Inc.
- Banterra Bank
- Bar Harbor Bank & Trust
- Bear State Bank
- Bell Bank*
- Benchmark Community Bank
- Beneficial State Bank
- Blue Ridge Bank and Trust Co.
- BNY Mellon
- BOKF, National Association
- Boston Private
- Bremer Bank National Association
- Bridgeview Bank Group
- Bridgewater Bank (Minnesota)
- Broadway National Bank
- Burke & Herbert Bank & Trust Company
- Burling Bank
- Busey Bank
- Business First Bank
- Cadence Bank, N.A.
- California United Bank
- CalPrivate Bank
- Calvin B. Taylor Banking Company
- Cambridge Savings Bank
- Capital Bank Corporation (FL, NC, SC, TN)
- Capital Community Bank (UT)
- Capital One NA
- Carter Bank and Trust
- Cass Commercial Bank
- CBTC Bank Co. (NY)
- CCB Community Bank
- Central Bank Illinois
- CFG Community Bank
- Charter One Bank
- Chelsea Gronton Bank
- Chickasaw Community Bank*
- Citizens Bank (New England)
- Citizens Bank and Trust (FL)
- Citizens First Bank (The Villages, FL)
- Citizens Tri-County Bank
- Citizens Union Bank of Shelbyville
- City Bank (Texas)
- City First Bank of D.C. National Association
- City National Bank of Florida
- Citywide Banks*
- Civista Bank
- Clayton Bank and Trust
- CNB Bank (PA)
- CoBiz Bank (Colorado Business Bank)
- Cohen Financial Services DE), LLC
- Colonial Savings, F.A.
- Colorado Federal Savings Bank
- Columbia State Bank
- Commerce Bank & Trust Company
- Community Bank (PA Branches Only)
- Community Bank of Raymore
- Community Banks of Colorado
- Compass BBVA Bank
- Cornhusker Bank*
- CorTrust Bank National Association
- Crescent Bank & Trust
- CTBC Bank Co. Ltd. New York Branch
- Daimler Trucking Financial
- Dallas Capital Bank, National Association
- Dakota Heritage Bank of North Dakota
- Dollar Bank, Federal Savings Bank
- Dubuque Bank and Trust Company*
- Eagle Bank (MD)
- East Boston Savings Bank
- East West Bank
- Eastern Bank*
- Eclipse Bank Inc.
- Enterprise Bank (MA)
- Enterprise Bank & Trust
- ESL Federal Credit Union
- EvaBank
- Extraco Banks National Assocation
- Falcon International Bank
- Farmers & Merchants Savings Bank (IA)
- Farmers State Bank of Trimont (Trimont, MN only)
- Fidelity Bank (Edina, Minnesota only)
- Fidelity Bank (LA Only)
- First American Bank (IL)
- First Arkansas Bank & Trust
- First Bank & Trust (Evanston, IL)
- First Bank & Trust (CA, IL, MO)
- First Bank & Trust (Lubbock TX)*
- First Bank (NC)
- First Bank (TN)
- First Bank (Virginia Only)
- First Bank and Trust (Lubbock, TX)
- First Bank and Trust (New Orleans, LA)
- First Bank Financial Centre
- First Bank Richmond, National Association
- First Business Bank (Madison, WI)
- First Citizens Bank & Trust Co. (GA, NC, SC)
- First Citizens Community Bank
- First Citizens National Bank
- First Community Bank (San Benito TX)
- First Exchange Bank
- First Farmers Bank and Trust Company
- First Federal Bank of Florida
- First Federal Bank of the Midwest
- First Federal Savings and Loan Association of Lakewood
- First Fidelity Bank N.A. (Oklahoma)
- First Financial Bank (OH, IN, KY only)
- First Financial Bank, National Association (IN)
- First Financial Bank, National Association (TX)
- First Florida Integrity Bank
- First Foundation Bank
- First International Bank & Trust
- First Merchants Bank (IN)
- First National Bank of PA (FNB PA)
- First National Bank of Tennessee
- First National Banks and trust (KS)
- First Northern Bank and Trust Company (PA Only)
- First PREMIER Bank
- First Southern Bank (IL)
- First State Bank of the Florida Keys
- First State Bank of Uvalde
- First State Financial Inc.
- First Tennessee
- First United Bank & Trust (OK)
- First United Bank (Texas Branches Only)
- First US Bank
- Five Points Bank
- Five Star Bank, CA
- Florence Savings Bank
- Florida Community Bank National Association
- FNBC Bank & Trust
- Franklin Synergy Bank
- German American Bancorp
- GNB Bank
- Gorham Savings Bank
- Great Southern Bank (MO)
- Great Western Bank
- Green Bank, National Association
- Greenfield Savings Bank
- Greenville Federal
- Greenville National Bank
- Guaranty Bank (MO)
- Guaranty Bank and Trust Company (MS)
- Gulf Coast Bank and Trust Company
- Hanmi Bank
- Happy State Bank
- HarborOne Bank
- Harleysville Savings Bank
- Heartland Bank and Trust Company
- Heritage Bank of Commerce
- Heritage Community Bank (Greeneville, TN)
- Hickory Point Bank and Trust FSB
- Hills Bank and Trust Company
- Home State Bank, National Association (IL only)
- HomeTown Bank (VA)
- Horizon Bank
- Howard Bank
- Illinois Bank & Trust*
- Illinois National Bank
- Independent Bank (MI)
- Independent Bank (TN)
- InTrust Bank National Association*
- Isabella Bank
- Iowa State Bank
- Jefferson Bank
- John Marshall Bank
- Johnson Bank
- JPMorgan Chase Bank
- Keybank National Association
- Lake Sunapee Bank, FSB
- Landmark Bank
- Landmark Community Bank (TN)
- LCNB National Bank
- Liberty Savings Bank, FSB (OH, CO, FL)
- Lincoln Savings Bank
- Live Oak Banking Company
- Lubbock National Bank
- M&T Bank
- Magnolia State Bank
- MainSource Bank
- Manasquan Bank
- Mascoma Bank
- MB Financial Bank
- Meadows Bank
- Mercantile Bank of Michigan
- Merchants & Marine Bank
- Metro Bank (AL)
- Metropolitan Commercial Bank
- Midwest Bank – Detroit Lakes MN
- Middlesex Savings Bank
- Minnesota Bank & Trust*
- Minnwest Bank
- Montgomery Bank, National Association
- Mountain Commerce Bank
- MUFG Union Bank National Association*
- MutualBank (IN)
- MVB Bank Inc
- National Bank of Middlebury
- NBT Bank, National Association
- New Mexico Bank & Trust*
- NexBank, SSB
- Nicolet National Bank
- Northeast Bank
- Northpointe Bank
- North State Bank
- Northway Bank
- Northwest Federal Credit Union
- OceanFirst Bank
- Old Missouri Bank
- Old National Bank
- Optum Bank
- Opus Bank
- Oritani Bank
- Orrstown Bank*
- ORNL Federal Credit Union
- Pacific Continental Bank
- Pacific Western Bank
- Palmetto State Bank
- Park Bank (WI)
- Parkway Bank and Trust Company
- Passumpsic Savings Bank
- PCSB Bank
- Peoples Bank (TX)
- Peoples Security Bank and Trust Company
- Pinnacle Associates LTD
- Pinnacle Bank GA*
- Pinnacle Bank TN
- Pinnacle Bank Texas
- Pioneer Bank (NM, CO, El Paso, TX and Midland, TX)
- Pioneer Bank, SSB
- PlainsCapital Bank
- Plains State Bank
- PNC Bank
- Premier Bank, Inc.
- Premier Bank (Dubuque, IA)
- Premier Valley Bank*
- PrimeSouth Bank (GA)
- Pine River State Bank
- PriorityOne Bank
- Progressive Bank (Monroe, LA)
- Providence Bank (MO)
- Quad City Bank and Trust Company
- Radius Bank
- Redding Bank of Commerce
- Regions Bank*
- Reliance Bank (MO, IL)
- Reliant Bank
- Relyance Bank, National Association
- Republic Bank & Trust Company
- Republic Bank of Chicago
- Revere Bank
- River Bank & Trust (AL)
- Riverwood Bank
- Rockland Trust Bank
- Rocky Mountain Bank (Billings MT)*
- Safra National Bank of New York
- Salin Bank and Trust Company
- Sandy Spring Bank
- Santander*
- Savings Institute Bank and Trust Company
- Schertz Bank & Trust
- Seacoast National Bank
- Security Bank & Trust Company
- Security Federal Bank
- Signature Bank of Arkansas
- Signature Bank, NA – Toledo, Ohio Branch Only
- Signature Bank NY
- Silicon Valley Bank
- Silvergate Bank
- Simmons Bank
- SmartBank TN
- Somerset Trust Company
- Sound Community Bank
- Southern Bancorp Bank
- Southern Bank (Popular Bluff, MO)
- Southern Bank and Trust Company
- Southern Michigan Bank & Trust
- Southern States Bank
- Southside Bank
- Southwest Bank (Fort Worth, TX)
- STAR Financial Bank
- State Bank & Trust Company (GA)
- Stellus Capital Management
- Sterling Bank (WI)
- Sterling National Bank (New York)
- Stock Yards Bank & Trust Company
- Stonegate Bank
- Summit Community Bank Inc
- SunTrust Bank
- TBK Bank SSB
- TD Bank*
- Tennessee State Bank
- Texan Bank National Association
- Texas Champion Bank
- The American National Bank of Texas
- The Bank of Edwardsville
- The Bank of San Antonio
- The Bank of South Carolina
- The Bryn Mawr Trust Company
- The Canandaigua National Bank and Trust Company
- The Citizens National Bank of Meridian
- The Commercial and Savings Bank of Millersburg, Ohio
- The Dime Bank (PA)
- The Farmers & Merchants Bank (AR Only)
- The Farmers Bank – Indiana
- The Farmers Bank (Portland, TN)
- The Farmers National Bank of Emlenton
- The Farmers State Bank (Quinton OK)
- The First National Bank and Trust Company (WI)
- The First National Bank in Sioux Falls
- The First National Bank of Fort Smith
- The First National Bank of Shiner
- The First National Bank of South Miami*
- The Gunnison Bank & Trust Company
- The Heritage Bank (GA)
- The Honesdale National Bank
- The Lyons National Bank
- The Monticello Banking Company
- The National Bank of Blacksburg
- The Nodaway Valley Bank
- The Peoples Bank (MD Only)
- The Peoples Bank (SC)
- The Peoples Community Bank
- The Piedmont Bank
- The Port Washington State Bank
- The Provident Bank (MA, NH Only)
- The Security National Bank of Sioux City, Iowa
- The Victory Bank
- Timberland Bank
- Tompkins Financial
- TotalBank
- Towne Bank
- TransPecos Banks
- Tri City National Bank
- Tri Counties Bank
- Tristate Capital Bank
- Triumph Bank
- Troy Bank & Trust Company
- TruPoint Bank
- Trustmark National Banks
- Ulster Savings Bank
- Umpqua Bank
- UniBank (Whitinsville, MA)
- Union Bank & Trust (VA)
- United Bank & Trust Company (KY)
- United Bank (CT)
- United Community Bank (Chatham, IL)
- United Community Bank (GA, LA, NC, SC, TN)
- Univest Bank & Trust Co.
- USAmeriBank
- Valley National Bank (Wayne, New Jersey)
- Valley State Bank
- Venture Bank
- VeraBank (TX)
- Volunteer State Bank
- Washington Financial Bank
- Washington First Bank
- Watertown Savings Bank (MA)
- Watertown Savings Bank (New York Branches Only)
- Wesbanco Bank, Inc.
- West Bank (IA)
- Westamerica Bank
- Westbury Bank
- Western Alliance Bank*
- Western State Bank (ND, AZ)
- Westfield Bank (FSB – Ohio branches only)
- Westfield Bank (MA)
- Whitaker Bank
- Whitney Bank
- Wilmington Savings Fund Society, FSB
- Wilson Bank & Trust
- Wings Financial Credit Union*
- Wintrust Bank
- Wisconsin Bank & Trust*
- Wood & Huston Bank
- Xenith Bank
- Zions First National Bank