Press Releases
Confirmation.com’s Legal Confirmation Service Named 2016 CPA Practice Advisor Innovation Award Finalist
2 Jun 2016 - 3 minutes read
Last Updated: 06/02/2016
NASHVILLE, TN – June 2, 2016 – At the 2016 annual Tax & Accounting Technology Innovation Awards ceremony, Confirmation.com, the creator and world’s leading provider of secure audit confirmation services, was named a finalist for its new legal confirmation service.
“I’m thrilled to see our legal confirmation service named a finalist for this prestigious accounting innovation award,” said Payton Baran, manager of business development of legal confirmations for Confirmation.com. “The growth of this new service has been phenomenal, and it’s exciting to see more than 1,000 accounting firms using it today.”
“Until now the process of completing legal confirmations was time consuming for all parties involved,” said Brian Fox, president and founder of Confirmation.com. “There simply wasn’t an efficient and reliable way for auditors to send and lawyers to respond to legal representation letters. We are honored to receive such recognition for our legal confirmation service.”
In a recent survey to CPA firms, the two biggest challenges with legal confirmations are managing the time between when the letter is sent to the law firm and when the response is received back; and following up with the law firm to receive an update prior to audit issuance.
Confirmation.com’s legal letter confirmation service helps auditors overcome these challenges. The platform streamlines everything from preparing and post-dating letters for automated release, obtaining client approvals, tracking responses, and receiving documented updates.
Law firms worldwide are embracing Confirmation.com’s service to better manage audit confirmations and mitigate risks inherent of the traditional paper-based process. Today nearly all of the top 100 US law firms and thousands of other US and international law firms are receiving and responding to legal representation letters through Confirmation.com.
“Using Confirmation.com to complete legal confirmations is much easier for the auditor, the client, and the responding law firm,” said Chris Schellhorn, CEO of Confirmation.com. “This allows auditors to focus their time understanding the law firm’s response rather than spending time tracking down the confirmation.”
“We are constantly seeking new technologies that can benefit tax and accounting professionals, and their clients,” said CPA Practice Advisor Editor-in-Chief Gail Perry, CPA. “As the profession continues to embrace new workflows and processes that optimize the potentials of these technologies, firms are improving their efficiency and focusing their practices on more profitable service offerings that, at the same time, are more beneficial to the small businesses that rely on them for advice and strategy.”
The Innovation Awards are sponsored by CPA Practice Advisor magazine and honor new or recently enhanced technologies that benefit tax and accounting professionals and their clients through improved workflow, increased accessibility, enhanced collaboration or other means.
Winners and finalists of the Innovation Awards are selected by CPA Practice Advisor’s editorial board and awards committee, a group of accounting thought leaders and professionals from across the country.